Blood Sugar Management, Addiction, Fatigue,
Hypoglycemia and Weight Loss
A Clinical Nutritionists Perspective
By: Christopher Fuzy MS, RD, LD/N
Masters Degree Clinical Nutrition/ Sports Nutrition
It’s A Lifestyle…. Not a Diet!!! TM
Most of us have very active and varied lifestyles. By attempting to eat to control blood sugar and slow down
the aging process one cant eat and entertain without food restrictions, control cravings and even help with
Blood Sugar Management, Addiction and Hypoglycemia
“Clients are amazed when they finally realize that the more you try to diet, the harder it is to lose weight or
control cravings and fatigue”, says Christopher Fuzy MS..R.D., one of the Nutritionists and Founder of
Lifestyle Nutrition.
Hypoglycemia literally means “low blood sugar” and is often mistaken for a disease when it is actually a
symptom. Ingested carbohydrates (sugars and starches) trigger a release of the hormone insulin from the
pancreas. Insulin helps the body turn sugars into energy and stored fats. In some people, the amount of insulin
released is too high for the amount of carbohydrates ingested, resulting in too much sugar being burned up too
quickly. A net loss of blood sugar results. In hypoglycemia attacks, there is too much insulin and not enough
blood sugar, causing fatigue, cravings, weakness, irritability, moodiness and depression.
Hypoglycemia may be better described as carbohydrate intolerance: the body is unable to absorb certain
carbohydrate loads effectively without adverse consequences. Different people react differently to ingested
sugars and starches, with some individuals having a higher tolerance level than others.
Although predisposition to hypoglycemia may be an inherited condition and is most often due to
dietary factors, it can also be found in people with such disorders as schizophrenia, alcoholism, drug
addiction, juvenile delinquency, hyperactivity, diabetes, and obesity.
The symptoms of hypoglycemia include:
Fatigue, dizziness, shakiness, and faintness
Irritability and depression
Weakness or cramps in feet or legs
Numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or face
Ringing in the ears
Swollen feet or legs
Tightness in chest
Frequent heart pounding or palpitations
Anxiety, nightmares, and panic attacks
Night sweats
Constant hunger
Headaches and migraines
Impaired memory and concentration
Blurring of vision

Functional hypoglycemia may be that symptoms are subtle, episodic, and difficult to diagnose. Patients may
have a low but acceptable blood sugar level that does not drop until the last hours of a prolonged test. Glucose
tolerance tests often miss the lowest blood sugar levels that had triggered acute symptoms. Severe regular
attacks of hypoglycemia may have diabetes as the underlying cause. If symptoms persist, see your doctor.
Trying to eat healthy sometimes means counting calories but this does not guarantee you’re blood sugar
will be balanced throughout the day, which is one of the key elements for a healthy metabolism controlling
serotonin and dopamine some of the neuro- transmitters in your brain. Exercise also produces endorphins that
have a calming affect. The combined effect of a low glycemic diet (does not produce large elevations in
blood sugar) with exercise often helps with cravings and addiction.
Balancing your blood sugar is one of the keys to reducing appetite, cravings, and body fat. Blood sugar
management will increase your energy level and psychological well being, says Mr. Fuzy.
“By concentrating on blood sugar, not calorie counting, and understanding the different digestion and
absorption times of foods, you can now balance your own nutritional program at home, in restaurants or
even when traveling
Long Term Lifestyle Changes – No More Dieting!!!
One of the keys to good nutritional compliance is not to promote food restrictions; all foods can be eaten
when balanced properly. All people are different and require different foods depending on their lifestyle,
beliefs, culture, and level of understanding of nutrition.
One of the keys to good nutritional compliance is to like and enjoy, your nutritional program. By
understanding a little of the science behind nutrition, this will give you the ability to have endless variety,
flexibility so you can develop eating habits that compliment you and your lifestyle. As a result of
understanding what you need to do and why you need to it, you will be empowered, and your nutritional
program will be a positive uplifting experience, one that should nourish your body and spirit.
Blood Sugar, Lean Muscle & Metabolism
Remember, increases in lean muscle mass through proper diet and exercise, will help raise your
metabolic rate, which will help you lose weight at complete rest and while working out.
Since such a large portion of your daily calories (approximately 75-80% of total calories) are expended at
complete rest it should become apparent that the need to fuel your metabolism, and increase lean muscle
mass, should be your primary goal of your nutrition program. Again, 75-80%% of your ability to lose weight
happens at complete rest, so it is very important to either preserve, or promote lean mass, which increases
metabolism and promotes weight loss.
Remember, chronic yo – yo dieting (weight cycling – repeated cycles of weight loss and regain) is often
unhealthier than the risk factors before weight loss and regain. The researchers specifically mention physical
conditions such as heart disease and certain cancers, reduced metabolic rate and psychological factors like
depression, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, and social isolation.
Many people go most of the day not eating, not eating balanced, or eating too much food late in the day. In
all 3 cases blood sugar levels are not optimized and instead of just burning body fat, like we all want to
believe, we are burning muscle protein and converting protein to sugar for energy. Many times clients find
out they are not overeating; their proportions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat percentages are not maximized
for their, age, metabolism, activity level, sex…etc. This leads to the problems with hunger, cravings, and
decreased metabolism….

The Goal:
#1 Try to eat at least every 3 to 4 hours, or there’s the problem of low blood sugar, hunger, appetite, cravings,
irritability, moodiness, and LOSS OF LEAN MUSCLE.
#2 Try to combine a lean protein with a high fiber carbohydrate at meals and snacks. The goal is to produce a
slow release of energy that will last 3 to 4 hours.
#3 Concentrate on foods to decrease cancer and heart disease, and lose weight by accident, as a result of
following an anti-aging blood sugar management program!
#4 Consider having your metabolic rate measured and a custom nutritional program designed for you based
on your lifestyle.
Christopher Fuzy M.S, R.D, L.D/N is the President of Lifestyle Nutrition, has offices in Fort
Lauderdale, & Boca Raton. He has practiced Nutrition Counseling for 20 years, has a Masters Degree,
in Sports Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics. Before going into private practice 1 years ago Chris was the
Chief Clinical Dietitian at Plantation General Hospital. Chris also has set up over 700 Nutrition
Programs with physicians & spas nationwide. For a complimentary consultation please call 954-561-
0166 or 800-699-8106 or visit for Health Care Professionals LIFESTYLENUTRITIONINC.COM

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