How To Implement A Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling Program in A Medical Practice: Eating Healthy Supermarket Food – No Diet Supplements!
Nutritional Counseling For Weight Loss, Disease Management & Prevention, Pre- Diabetes, Hyperlipidemias, Hypertension, Anti – Aging & More- With or Without Diet Products.
Dear Colleagues:
As a practicing MD for 17 years I have seen number of fad nutritional products and programs which provided short-term results, and did not focus on a patient’s lifestyle and eating habits. Most programs push packaged foods, meal replacements, unproven nutritional supplements or ask your patients to weigh and measure food and count calories. Diet books, pharmaceutical diet sheets, carb and fat gram counting are too general and turned my patients off to nutrition counseling. When they lost weight on these programs and stopped purchasing the package foods supplements or medications, about a year later they regained back the weight they lost. I really thought my patients were not receptive to changing their eating habits and lifestyle (long term) because I was not guiding them properly. I encourage you to complete the Meal Plan Questionnaire so you can evaluate the nutritional program for yourself
Counseling the Old Fashioned Way is Too Time Consuming.
Now, my clinical assistants that have been trained by Registered Dietitians at Lifestyle Nutrition utilize software and a metabolic analyzer to show my patients what to eat and how to exercise for their food preferences, lifestyle and nutritional goals. My average patient program is 4-6 visits total, once per week and gives them specific goals, foods and shopping lists (the specific name brands) to guide them how to change their personal and family’s eating habits. Each visit is an action plan of what to do designed by Christopher Fuzy MS, RD, LD who has trained and implemented over 700 physician programs nationwide and has private offices in Fort Lauder dale and Boca Raton. Now, more of my patients are receptive to eating healthy foods and properly managing their blood sugar, than I could ever believe!
Here’s what is different than most other programs and the key to patient compliance. My patients are not as hungry, have much more energy and feel better by eating the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fat for their needs without measuring or counting grams. In a few minutes, my staff can tailor specific clinical meal plans based on my patients lean muscle weight, metabolic rate, including the number and size of meals, desired goal weight, exercise routine & the lifestyle and foods that my patients want. We use the default meal planbecause it uses algorithms that were researched by the University of Southern California and published in American peer reviewed journals.
Which Nutritional Program is the Best For Your Patients and How To Improve Patient Compliance
The difference between other programs is that our program provides a sliding scale of carbohydrates, fats and protein in the meal plan, based on the sex, height, weight, age, and lean muscle mass and activity level of the patient. For example, a muscular, active, young athletic patient will receive a very different nutritional program than a 45-year-old peri-menopausal insulin & weight loss resistant patient who is sedentary all day.
However, using the Lifestyle Nutrition software we can provide, any type of meal plan including an Atkins, Zone, American Heart Association, South Beach, Diabetic, Sports Nutrition, etc An OBGYN colleague of mine is providing meal plans for proper weight gain during pregnancy, healthy weight loss after delivery with or without breast feeding, and for management & prevention of peri & menopausal weight gain, & depression. Furthermore many of my healthy older patients rely on me to manage their mild hyperlipidemias, thyroid issues & hypertension and I can address these issues with prevention and wellness using healthy functional foods based on research!
The webinars with the progressive nutritionists / dietitians provided our staff taught us to teach our patients to focus on properly managing their blood sugars for their metabolism throughout the day, which is more effective than counting calories. Immediately, my patients have more energy, less fatigue and hunger and eventually, more muscle and are very thankful we taught them about preventative nutrition with normal foods!.

The software has the ability to incorporate any of my nutritional supplements or meal replacements or bars directly into the customized meal plan. We “focus on our patient’s lifestyle — not just nutritional products”.
Lifestyle Nutrition® provided me with the necessary tools to introduce the program to my practice such as posters, custom brochures, surveys computerized health risk assessments etc. I could also provide a corporate wellness program to my patient’s employers if I wanted to do so. On their web site LIFESTYLENUTRITIONINC.COM watch their videos and sample TV commercial & review their print advertisements.. By having a wellness program that focuses on food and lifestyle, and markets well in today’s economic climate, I am generating a significant amount of referrals into my practice. This program sets me apart from other doctors, and nutrition counseling programs in my area. I feel I am providing a program that is much needed by most of my patients and difficult to find in America!
According to the Consumer Center For Public Interest (CSPI) is to lose 20 lbs of weight with commercial weight loss programs the average it can costs between $960-$1,600, are usually not Physician Supervised.
We now offer a behavior modification program that costs 30-40 % of the cost of most commercialized weight loss programs in the US and is medically supervised and build a loyal relationship with our patients and our practice. Occasionally, PPO’s and Medicare patients are receiving reimbursement for “ medical nutrition therapy” and/ or “preventative medicine counseling” in the area of weight loss, diabetes, stress reduction, smoking cessation including patient adherence to medical treatments, symptom management, and health-promoting behaviors”. Our focus to assist the credible doctor of the future to provide nutrition counseling that patients are actively seeking and help build a loyal satisfied patient.
By promoting long-term lifestyle changes using real food and customizing a nutrition & exercise program individually, my patients are more receptive to adopting new foods and the counseling becomes positive uplifting experience.. The training and support we received from Lifestyle Nutrition® has allowed us to incorporate the program into our practice and create a service that is lucrative, efficacious, and that markets well and is difficult to find in America.
Divide Your Program Into 1- 12 Nutrition Sessions – 1 Week Apart
The average patient would usually come into our practice for 3-6 nutritional consultations over 3-6 weeks. However if time or economics are a factor I am able to provide a complete customized meal plan and exercise program in 10 – 15 minutes during one session. We remind our patients that making 6-10 small changes each week are more effective than doing everything all at once. We provide our patients with shopping lists so they can shop in conventional and /or healthy supermarkets.
We rarely concentrate on which foods the patients’ needs to omit because they immediately feel deprived.
We now concentrate of the foods to add to their diet and make it a positive uplifting experience!
Keep it Simple, Focus on Food, Provide Name Brands of Foods
Each week we concentrate on one aspect of eating and provide the exact name brand foods, a shopping list and a clear set of goals that focus on food and food combinations so my patients now learn and clinically feel a difference. Counting carb or fat grams or food groups is usually too general. Each week my patients come in for 15 –20 minute sessions with one of my assistants.
Economic & Marketing Impact on Your Practice With A Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling Program
America’s problem is the average cost for a commercial weight loss program for 20-pound weight loss is between $960 –1200 and is not physician supervised. Our program usually costs 30-40 % of the cost of most commercial weight loss programs in the U.S. Our physician supervised programs usually cost patients between $295- $995.00 for 3-8, 15 minute nutritional sessions, 2 consultations with the doctor and 6 consultations with the clinical assistant.
Finally, by promoting long-term lifestyle changes using real food and customizing a nutrition program individually for your patients, they will be more receptive to your suggestions.
Each Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling client can generate approximately $250 revenue in an initial session only or approximately $400 – $600 per patient in 4-8 Sessions depending upon the needs of the patient and the socioeconomic status of your geographical location. These charges are one-third the national average for a commercial weight management program that is usually implemented under a non-medically supervised model!

Dr. Ronald Stein MD,
Los Angeles CA
About The Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling Program® Founder
Christopher Fuzy M.S., R.D. the President of Lifestyle Nutrition,® has private offices in Fort Lauderdale & Boca Raton Florida. He has practiced Nutrition Counseling for 20 years, has a Master’s Degree in Clinical & Sports Nutrition, and a Undergraduate Degree in Nutrition & Chemistry. Chris completed clinicals in the Texas Medical Center, Houston and was the Chief Clinical Dietitian at a local Fort Lauderdale hospital before going into private practice 16 years ago. Mr. Fuzy has set up well over 700 nutritional programs nationwide. For More Information or a Practice Consultation
LIFESTYLENUTRITIONINC.COM For Doctors or 800-699-8106