Q. Why is your nutrition-counseling program different from most doctors, personal trainers, commercial weight loss programs or other nutritionists?
- We use proprietary software and a metabolic analyzer to assess a clients metabolic needs and develop a custom sliding scale program based on your metabolic needs, activity level, lean body mass , food preferences…etc.
- We do not sell or push products or medications. We specialize in teaching clients how to work with different foods and the science behind nutrition.
- We have done it so long and with so many physicians and patients nationwide, we know what clients are looking for and how to relate to many different individuals.
No food weighing, No counting points, No packaged foods or diet products!
We are experienced nutritionists with college degrees and advanced degrees in nutrition with hospital experience, not just a certification from any organization or on the internet. We have many years of counseling experience.
- We individualize the program based on your specific medical & nutritional needs. The nutritional program is based on your current
- Eating habits
- Blood labs
- Metabolism
- Activity level
- Age
- Lifestyle & Preferences
- We Get Specific – No diet sheets or computerized meal plans!!!!
Q. What information will I focus on?
You will not be so concerned with calories or weighing. We will teach you the digestion and absorption time of specific foods at home or in restaurants. We will teach you how to combine specific foods & snacks to decrease appetite, decrease fat synthesis, increase metabolism, increase energy and lose body fat. You will be provided with specific examples for your nutritional program and then asked to make substitutions later for variety – if you so desire. You will be taught a system of how to eat for the rest of your life. You will learn a little of the science behind the nutrition to empower you forever!
This is a lifestyle program; you will follow forever, not a diet!!!
Q. What if I have medical needs like cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol or blood pressure, IBS, digestion problems, chronic fatigue, menopause, pregnancy, sports nutrition, depression?
Again, each nutritional program is designed for the specific medical & nutritional needs of the individual.
Q. I am always hungry or tired now, or I am working out and not seeing results – will nutritional counseling help me?
By concentrating on the digestion and absorption time of foods, appetite, cravings, fat synthesis, irritability, and fatigue usually decrease. You will notice more energy, muscle gain, and overall sense of well-being. If you are exercising, you will have better workouts, and if you are not yet exercising, this may be the step to get you going.
By understanding the correct balance of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber you also will be at a much lower risk for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease while losing body fat.
Q. How many nutritional counseling sessions does it take to see results and understand the program?
A typical client should immediately feel better in their first week. The complete program usually consists of 3 to 4 one – hour nutrition sessions, time permitting, to learn how to eat for the rest of your life. We usually meet once a week or every other week and this allows for the client to digest, absorb, AND APPLY the specific nutritional program to your busy lifestyle! We also have 6 and 8-week programs if necessary.
This is an uplifting experience, you will laugh and learn. We will change the way you view & understand food forever.
Q. How do I get started?
2. Please print and complete the New Client Questionnaire below and bring to your initial consultation, including a 1 day food record documenting how you typically eat and drink on a typical day from morning to sleep.
3. Call 954-561-0166 to set up a nutritional consultation with one of our nutritionists in one of our Fort Lauderdale or Boca Raton offices.
New Client Questionnaire – Click here to print
If you are a Doctor or Business interested in learning more about our Turnkey Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Counseling Programs For Your Practice Https://Lifestylenutritioninc.Com/Doctors
Request Information on Turn-key Nutrition Program For Your Practice or Business

Christopher Fuzy MS, RS, LD
Clinical Nutritionist Performing Nutritional & Metabolic Assessment
Fort Lauderdale Sports Nutritionist, Dietitian, Boca Raton Sports Nutritionist, Dietitian, Fort Lauderdale Weight Loss, Boca Raton Weight Loss, Red Bank Sports Nutritionist, Dietitian, Red Bank, Dietitian, Red Bank Weight Loss.