Dr. Sylvia MD Board Certified Internal Medicine – Washington, DC
“As the former Chief of Preventive Medicine at John Hopkins University and practicing 30 years in Washington DC, I see patients with diverse backgrounds and eating habits. Following my conventional training in Preventative Medicine at John Hopkins University I reviewed dozens of nutrition programs available for physicians and nutritionists. What I like most are the Lifestyle Nutrition integrative progressive nutrition protocols as well as the conventional protocols I was trained with. My patients like that I provide specific recommendations based on their metabolic needs and lifestyle. The Lifestyle Program helps my patients with their weight loss, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiac, digestive, sports nutrition, disease prevention, anti-aging, wellness etc.
Surprisingly, with all my training and experience, at John Hopkins, I feel that I now provide my patients with more realistic lifestyle changes, in more detail, and individualized for their food preferences, metabolism and their background. Now our counseling program is more comprehensive than I have seen at hospitals, clinics or universities I have been affiliated with. My patients appreciate our realistic lifestyle approach to nutrition counseling and are more receptive to our nutritional modifications instead of the traditional carb/fat gram counting, food groups or calorie counting we provided at the hospital. The generic pharmaceutical diet handout sheets were difficult for our patients to comply with. This program has been a win, win for our practice clinically and economically and for our patients! ”
Christopher Fuzy MS,RD, LD Training Dr. Ron MD – Rural Georgia
“As an Endocrinologist I am happy to finally provide my patients with a nutrition program that focuses on normal healthy food, personalized exercises while incorporating long – term lifestyle changes that are much more individualized than a booklet or diet sheet handout for my patients. My medical assistant provides our patients with specific food recommendations rather than just teaching the traditional carb gram counting. Lifestyle Nutrition concentrates on disease prevention while helping my patients balance their blood sugars throughout the day with real food and consequently weight loss occurs naturally. I really like that we provide menus incorporating Southern foods since most of my patients have been eating these type of foods for generations! They are more receptive to changing their eating habits with the Lifestyle approach to nutrition counseling. Lifestyle Nutrition provided us with an employment ad and even helped hire and train a new medical assistant to be our “wellness coach” for my medical practice. “
Dr. Jorge MD (Board Certified OBGYN) – Mc Callan, Texas
“I am a practicing OBGYN for 23 yrs with a large practice (12 employees) in TX and am very fortunate to be one of the original 8 Physician founders of a 14 year old 500 bed medical and surgical hospital – well respected and growing. When I consider adding a new service to my practice or our hospital I evaluate the company, the clinical and economic aspects they offer in great detail, both as a MD and a business owner . What sold me on the program and their approach to nutrition counseling was during the webinar to review my nutrition program, during lunch with my staff watching the webinar. Following the webinar demonstration I asked my staff for their feedback and we made the commitment. Our staff and patients required a considerable amount of education and the Founder and Clinical Nutritionist at Lifestyle Nutrition was genuinely happy to guide us through our learning process. We are happy we can offer nutrition counseling to our wealthy patients that may be receiving elective services such as bio identical hormone replacement and our lower income patients with basic understanding of nutrition that medically need this counseling . The Lifestyle Nutrition Program is a realistic approach and adapts for a wide variety of patients with varied nutritional comprehension, background, and food preferences, and we are very happy we did! “
Dr. Lou Chiropractor – Livingston, Montana
“Having practiced as a chiropractor for 20 yrs, I sold my successful, high volume, Long Island, NY practice & relocated to Montana in 2000 to live on a ranch, improve my family’s quality of life & perpetuate Christian values within my family. I have evaluated and tried many nutritional programs in my years of practice and consider myself a good businessman who genuinely cares about my patients. Kelli my assistant had minimal nutritional background, she worked on Montana ranches, but after being trained by Lifestyle Nutrition, she helps me counsel our patients. We were able to customize the program for local Montana foods. Even in a very small town with practice. “
“Dr. Jeff As a 20 year chiropractor I have reviewed many weight loss programs that were marketed to me that just focused on weight loss and nutritional supplements. Our program is much less expensive to my patients and significantly more profitable than other local commercial and medical weight loss programs. They trained my CA with two hour onsite training and then a few months later my CA flew to Florida and trained with the nutritionists at Lifestyle Nutrition to receive their advanced training. I feel I receive a much higher quality patient referral from our patients that go through the Lifestyle Nutrition Program. I think the program really does create loyal happy patients. My patients are losing weight without dieting.. “
Dr. Debra Naturopathic Doctor –North Dakota
“As a naturopathic doctor we are trained to use vitamins minerals, herbs, energy medicine to treat symptoms and diseases. It was difficult for me to recommend specific foods for various medical problems before having the Lifestyle Counseling Program. I like that the nutrition program is customized for each patients body fat, metabolism and the exercises they do. I also like using real, whole, healthy, foods for detoxification and weight loss with some of my patients who cannot afford some of the supplements I offer. “
“Dr. Jennifer & Dr. Pat are husband, wife chiropractors in Connecticut. Dr. Jennifer only required the initial onsite 3 hr training and has introduced many patients to our Lifestyle Counseling Program. She enjoys nutrition counseling with her patients and finds it very rewarding with patients that desire wellness, weight loss, sports nutrition and a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their family. “